
Renovating Tips for Over 50s

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There are several periods in life where change is often needed or desired. A quintessential time for change is after turning 50. The children have (probably) moved out of home, work is starting to wind down, and you are starting to think seriously about how to best enjoy retirement. A lot of house renovations occur at this time, with many over 50s taking steps to create their dream home. Here are some renovating tips for you to try if it’s your turn to get on board this bandwagon.


Install Carpet

Soft floors go a long way in making quality of life better and more enjoyable. Not only do they keep the heat in during winter, but they are also visually appealing. Carpeting a room (or even the whole house) isn’t as simple as it might sound though; there are lots of types and colours to choose from, for starters. For great advice and a range of useful resources, do some online searching. For example, the Stainmaster Australia website features a variety of useful design tools – click here to have a look.

Don’t Lift Heavy Objects

As the human body ages, it becomes more frail and less able to undertake strenuous activities such as heavy lifting. Lifting heavy objects can throw out backs if correct lifting procedures are not followed. Tough tasks like this are best left to the professionals, and many companies will undertake small volume lifting duties for relatively cheap rates.


Decluttering is an absolutely essential activity to undertake when renovating. You can get rid of objects you have owned for years and no longer like or even use. Your home will be much cleaner and more livable once this task has been completed, improving your quality of life hugely. A lot of the objects you may not use anymore can also be donated to charity, providing less fortunate people with items they need.


Install Handrails

If you plan on living in your current home for the rest of your life, it might be a good idea to install handrails. This is so that when you are a bit unsteady on your feet, you’ll still be able to support yourself as well as manoeuver around slippery areas such as bathrooms.

Vertical or Raised Garden

If you still plan on being active in the garden, you may want to install raised garden beds or a vertical garden. This eliminates the need to bend down when gardening and will make it easier on your back and legs. A vertical garden can also be very visually appealing and add value to the house. Plus, whether you love having a lovely display of flowers or enjoy growing your own herbs, this will allow you to do so with ease.

There are many tips out there for over 50s who are looking to renovate their homes; these are just a few to help make the process easier and give a better result for the future. Leave your tips for renovating when you’re over 50 down in the comments!

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