While some people don’t understand the reasoning behind decorating one’s home, the truth is that a beautiful-looking living space is essential for your wellbeing. Now, let’s make ourselves understood: decorating your home doesn’t have to break the bank and it can consist of simple, inexpensive things.
Yes, you can decorate the home even if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on this. You can have a nice-looking and welcoming home without making tens of thousands of dollars every month. How so? Here are 5 inexpensive ways of decorating your home.
De-Clutter Your Home
Alright, this doesn’t qualify as actual “decorating”, but the truth is that you cannot start bringing décor items into your home without de-cluttering it first. So, sit down and think of all those spaces in your home that just feel like “too much”. Make sure you include the “hidden” spaces as well, such as the closets and the drawers as well. This might take some time (depending on how cluttered your home actually is), but in the end it will definitely pay off. Tip: if you want to help maintain your de-cluttered home, make good use of boxes and other containers. Even simple shoe boxes can be decorated to fit into your home’s décor so do not hesitate to use them!
Create a Focal Point
If you want to add a bit of personality to a room, make sure you create a focal point. This will also help you keep the room tidy and to create a stylish, yet well-organized décor. Your focal point can be the coffee table, a wall filled with various paintings and/or pictures or any other area of the house. Here, you are allowed to play with colors, textures and motifs as much as you want to (as long as you keep the rest of the room simple, of course).
Rearrange the Things In Your Room
This is probably the cheapest way to create a new look for a room. While moving the furniture around will definitely make a very big difference, you can simply play around with the décor. Believe it or not, the difference will be noticeable!
Transform Old Things
Sometimes, you will find the perfect “ingredients” to redecorate your home in your own “backyard” (or storage space, for that matter). Old clothes can become gorgeous DIY cushions, old bottles and Mason jars can be painted and decorated and they can become amazing flower vases and candle holders and basically everything else can look like a brand new piece of décor if you use your creativity.
Paint Is Your Best Friend
You don’t have to paint the walls of your entire home if you don’t think they actually need it. However, a new color on the door knob, window sills or on other similar “small” items around the room will change that room’s appearance completely. Paint doesn’t cost much (especially in such small quantities) and a dash of color can change everything!