4 Deliveries You’ll Be Happy to Answer the Door For

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Modern life has so many benefits such as being able to travel faster and cheaper than ever before. We can keep in touch with friends and family overseas through video calls, and we can even work from our laptops in bed with PJs on. There’s one thing that I find a little sad about how the modern world is, and that’s the fact no one sends snail mail anymore. The only thing I receive in the standard mail are bills, which are not very exciting! I personally love doing online shopping, whether it’s for clothes or my weekly grocery shop. It feels like Christmas to me every time I receive a new package. If you’re wanting to spice up your life a little, read on for four deliveries you’ll be happy to answer the door for.

1. A Coffee Subscription Box
Have you ever seen me on a morning when I get up and realize there’s no coffee in the house? It’s not a pretty sight, let me tell you. A coffee subscription box is a weekly or monthly delivery of your favourite beans: coffee! It’s a wonderful way to ensure that you’re always up to date with coffee and that you wont run into the problem of running out. Due to the fact you can buy a few bags at once, you can even save money on high quality coffee. If you’re interested in trying out this service, check out https://natescoffee.com/product/nates-coffee-subscription-box/ to learn more.

2. Freedom Jars
What are Freedom jars you might ask? Well they’re wonderful office snacks delivery. We all know how challenging office life can be with the bright lights and long hours. So having healthy snacks on hand to help sustain your energy levels through the long work day is a wonderful way to stay focused and energised. freedomjars.com have a wonderful range of snacks including healthy breakfast jars filled with nutritious fruit and seeds. You can set up delivery to come as a one-off or on a weekly schedule.

3. New Clothes
Is there anything better than new clothes arriving at your front door step? I’m not sure! But I definitely love receiving some new clothes in the post. It honestly feels like Christmas has arrived when I get home and see a big package sitting on my doorstep. The great thing about ordering online is many clothing stores allow returns, meaning that you can easily order things, try them on and then send back the ones that don’t quite work for you.

4. A Special Package
I’m sure you’d like to receive a special care package in the mail, so why not send one to one of your friends to show them you care. Do you have a friend living overseas that maybe misses chocolates, or other snacks from home? You can easily make up a care package of all their favourite things and send it through to them. You might be surprised to receive one in return! Sending packages is a fun way to brighten up a loved one’s day. gift-1760869_960_720 ideas for what you can put in their care package!


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