Elderly parents? Here’s how to make sure they can stay in their home

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Staying at home is a common issue for elderly people. You may often hear “I want to stay in my own home” from either or both of your parents. The good news? With a little organisation, you can ensure that your parents “age in place.”

In this article, you’ll learn how you can help your parents continue to live independently:

Plan ahead

Planning ahead may seem difficult since you never know how your parents’ needs may change. The first step is to consider what kind of help your parents could need in the future. If one of your parents lives alone, there may be no one at home to help them. Maybe they don’t need help right now, but they could need help in the next year or two.

One way to begin planning? Look at any illnesses or illnesses like emphysema or diabetes that your parents might have. If possible, speak with their doctor to find out how any of these issues could make it difficult for them to get around or take care of themselves in the future.


Consider their home

If your parents are definitely sure that they want to stay in their own home you’ll need to consider how you can make their home comfortable and safe. If they’re having trouble walking, a walker may help them get around the home and neighbourhood. A stairlift may also make getting up the stairs much easier. It’s a good idea to install handrails wherever possible (particularly in the bathroom), and you may need to widen doorways, lower shelves, and remove clutter and other hazards.

Consider support

These days, your parents can get any type of help or support they need in their home. If getting dressed, bathing, or washing your hair is difficult, a trained aide can help. Elderly people often also have trouble with chores like laundry, grocery shopping, yard work, and house cleaning. Some drug stores and grocery stores will take your parents’ order online or over the phone.There are also yard services and cleaners available.

You may also be worried that your parent may not be eating nutritious meals. Your parents may be able to enjoy meals at a nearby house of worship or senior center. Eating out will give them a chance to visit with others. There are also numerous meal delivery programs, which will bring hot meals to your home. Some of them are low-cost or free.

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