With UK temperatures continuing to plummet, there’s certainly no sign of warmer weather just yet! For green-fingered gardeners, this can mean another few weeks cooped up indoors until it is fine enough to start working outdoors again.
However, a little ground frost shouldn’t come between you and your hobby. Instead of waiting for Mother Nature, why not enjoy a spot of indoor gardening instead? As well as keeping you out of the cold, the pastime offers numerous benefits — here are just a few:
It’s good for your mind
Research has found that gardening is a great way of keeping your mind busy and relaxing. In fact, in a recent study by Bakker Spalding, 88% of people said that improving their mental wellbeing was the main benefit of gardening.
While outdoor gardening may offer more physical benefits, tending to plants and flowers indoors is a great way of relieving stress.
It’s cheap
Without the need for expensive lawn mowers and hedge trimmers, you can get started with indoor gardening for next to nothing, as you only need the basics. Pots, compost and seeds or plants are all you’ll require to get started.
Flower bulbs, available from sites like Suttons Seeds, are a great choice when it comes to choosing what to grow, while specialist garden centres like Dobies offer a large range of seeds. If you’re new to gardening, select something simple to grow to start off with.
It reduces strain on your joints
When growing indoors, it’s wise to place your pots in a sunny spot — be that on a windowsill or table. Rather than crouching or kneeling down, you can often work on the plants while standing up or sitting down. This reduces the strain on your back and knees, helping you to avoid developing the aches and pains that so many gardeners suffer with.