
Things to Remember to do Before Your Next Trip

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We know just how exciting travelling can get and how happy it can make you – even if you’re just in the planning and preparing stage of the entire trip. With all the excitement though, it is important to remember that there are some essential things that shouldn’t miss from your next trip – and following, we have gathered some of the absolute fundamentals not to forget about. Read on and find out more! 

Extra copies 

Make extra copies of your most important documents – such as the ID paper, the insurance policies, passports and all the other legal paperwork. Why should you make copies of these? Because you will definitely need them in case the originals get lost (or worse, stolen). The more prepared you are, the less likely it is that your entire trip is ruined provided anything bad happens. 


Extra money 

Planning a trip should always include careful budgeting too – regardless of whether you want to backpack or travel in luxury. And while it is really important to calculate how much money you need for transportation, accommodation, entertainment and living costs, it is also crucial that you remember to factor in some extra money, just in case of an emergency.

Renew your EHIC

If you want to travel to one of the European neighboring countries, the EHIC card will be really important. This card helps European citizens gain access to quality medical services and products for free or at a fraction of the original price – so, if you have the card and if you plan on travelling on the Old Continent, you should definitely remember to renew it. (or apply for a new one if you don’t have it yet). Yes, we don’t like thinking of the worst-case scenarios – but your health should always come as a priority, no matter where in the world you may find yourself. 

As a side note, EHIC is still available for European citizens, despite the news stating that Great Britain is leaving the EU and that this may affect the eligibility and availability of the European Health Insurance Card. EHIC Card Renewal is easier than ever and can even be done online! 

Plan the first and the last day 

If you want to travel to a place you have never been to before, it is important that you carefully plan the first and the last day of the entire trip. Given that these days will be filled with all sorts of logistics and with all kinds of things that can easily go wrong, we highly suggest you to plan your first and last day down to the smallest details.  

Think of what you will do when you arrive, how you will get to your hotel, what you will do next, and how you will be able to relax after the long trip. As for the last day, remember to put aside all paperwork you will need when returning back home, as well as your house keys, your taxi money and anything else you may need upon the arrival. The last thing you want is to have to unpack at the customs or at the airport, just to find that one small document you need to go through! 

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