
Top Benefits Of Hosting Your Blog On A Private Server

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Over the past several years, the idea of using private servers over shared hosting has become more popular. As the functionality and increased performance of these types of technologies get better the popularity of private servers will only continue to grow. There are many benefits to hosting a blog or website on a virtual private server as opposed to using shared hosting. If you are considering starting a plus 50 lifestyle blog on a private server there will be many factors you need to take into consideration to determine the best choice. Below are some of the top benefits to consider in regards to hosting your blog or website on a private server.


Stability And Reliability

Many believe that shared hosting will be a thing of the past. Too many companies over sell the space on their servers to their customers. This means that literally thousands of customers may be sharing the exact same web server. This also means that the reliability of their hosting is not as great because it is overloaded. When you host your blog or website on a private server, you will not have to worry about your website’s performance or up-time like you would using shared hosting. If someone on the server you are sharing crashes it, it could potentially mean some downtime for your site as well.

More Control

An added benefit of hosting on a private server compared to using shared hosting is that you will be able to have complete root access. This means that if you need to have custom software installed you will be able to do that without having to consult with the hosting provider about supporting it. While shared web servers are generally optimized for performance and security as best as possible, there is a good chance that many popular software packages are not going to be supported due to some security limitations from the hosting company. If you have your own virtual private server, you will not have to worry about these issues and can bypass them when needed.


Easy To Scale

While there are many established websites and blogs that don’t expect there to be much change in the amount of traffic and bandwidth they need, others would like to know that the ability to scale is an option. If the possibility of growing a website is there, then hosting on a private server will mean being able to scale without the worry of any major technical issues or downtime like with shared hosting. With a private server, your site is hosted within what is referred to as a container. This container is given a certain amount of resources to use depending on what type of package you bought.

The great thing about these containers are that they can easily be allocated more or less resources at any time when needed. As an example, if you were thinking of starting a plus 50 lifestyle blog on a private server and needed a ram upgrade at any point you would be able to add more ram into your container at the click of a button. If you had shared hosting for your blog, someone would need to physically install the additional ram onto your server. Because of this your website or blog could end up having some unwanted downtime or a loss in traffic.

Cost Effective

Private servers are much more affordable now than they were just a few short years ago. Due to the never-ending advancements in technology, the prices are only expected to continue to decrease. The fact that virtual private servers are more affordable now means it makes sense for any size blog or website to have. This is even true when starting a new blog or site. With some companies you can get a small private server hosting environment for a low monthly fee. The cost is comparable to many shared web hosting costs these days and come with less risk and less performance issues.

The decision to choose a private server for your hosting needs is an easy one. When searching for a hosting provider it is important to find one that allows you to have complete control and easy management when it comes to upgrades, software installations and scaling.

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