
Tiny Robots Might Revolutionize Eye Surgery Procedures In The Near Future

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Your eyes are literally your window to the world, and can be a very underestimated but necessary part of your well-being. Just like in other fields of medicine, technology is exploding in the eyecare field. Innovative procedures will soon be guided by tiny robots, making possible things that were once only dreamed of. The precision that it takes to operate on the eye has up until now been hard to overcome for human surgeons. With new robotic technology, human error is being eliminated; so are the limitations that once made treating some eye conditions nearly impossible.

It’s becoming more like a videogame than a medical procedure; ophthalmologists around the nation are using joysticks and cameras to do some really amazing things. The Robotic Retinal Dissection Device (R2D2) is the coolest new innovation in eyecare. It is a tool that can easily fix some of the most complex eye problems. Functioning on a microscopic level, it can reverse vision problems that weren’t able to be tackled at all in the past.

The technology continues to advance as it intersects with other areas of medicine. Patients around the globe have been using gene therapy alongside robotic assistance to repair and halt retinal degeneration. Since that requires such a high level of precision, it could never have been even attempted without the assistance of robotic machines. Technology has taken the most complex procedures and made them not just possible, but has also made them easier. Without the human hand at the helm of fixing vision problems, instrumental precision is the key to better outcomes.


Over the past decade, robotics have increasingly started replacing the role of the ophthalmologist in many procedures. It isn’t just the eyecare world that is benefitting from robotics. Many who wait for and eye surgery consultation Winnipeg can read about the complex treatments like repairing heart valves and other major surgical procedures are not only being attempted, but are highly successful due to the elimination of what a human can physically do. With a greater sense of control and a more sterile environment, there is an abundance of advantages across multiple medical fields to using robotics in the operating room.

There are estimates that by the year 2020, the robotic field will command as much as $17 billion. Although it’s a hefty price to pay, the amount it will save the patients and the medical fields in less trauma, lower risks of infection, and the ability to repair things that were once irreparable is well worth it.

When robots were first introduced, they were limited by being way too big to be used in smaller offices, but as the technology increases, smaller and more intricate robotic systems are being created to allow the local ophthalmologist, the ability to have better tools for treatments and procedures outside of the operating room.

To date, there are still limitations on what the technology can do and the scale for which it is utilized. Since it takes a lot of intricate work to create robotic technology, more effective and improved methods are still being created. But the hope is that one day soon a machine about as big as a can of soda can do miraculous things.

The robotics machinery is also not an inexpensive proposition. Just one R2D2 can cost over a million dollars, and they aren’t yet available nationwide. Still In the prototype stage, they are doing amazing things but aren’t available for a general audience.

The future of robotics is to tackle common eye conditions like cataracts and other degenerative diseases that are hard to care for and are even harder to cure without a whole lot of downtime and extensive surgery. The hope is that the R2D2 can do for major vision problems what LASIK surgery has done for vision correction.

Giving a higher amount of precision to surgeons and ophthalmologists around the nation, robotic technology is revolutionizing how eye conditions are treated and giving patients options they didn’t have in the past. The hope is that as the technology increases, it will become a standard in operating rooms and ophthalmology offices around the globe to help treat and cure some of the most complex eye conditions that haven’t been curable before.



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