Whether you love to travel, or you haven’t taken a holiday in some time, if you’ve got a trip coming up, you’ll need to make a list of all the things that will make your life easier. Luckily, we’ve got everything you need in this post:
iPhone case
You may already have an iPhone case, but if you’re planning to travel, you’ll want to check out some iPhone protective cases. The last thing you need is to be dealing with a broken phone while you’re travelling, and unfortunately, your holiday is when you’re most likely to accidentally drop your phone, get it wet by the pool, or break it another way.
While it’s important that your iPhone is attractive, it’s even more important that it’ll keep your phone safe, so look for a cover that combines style and safety.
Noise-cancelling headphones
Believe me, you’ll be grateful you have these the next time you’re on a long flight with a screaming baby or snoring seatmate. Noise-cancelling headphones can make life much easier (and more enjoyable) by allowing you to zone-out when you’re travelling, or even get some sleep when other people are making enough noise to wake the dead.
Passport cover
You’ll see some super-cute passport covers out there, which allow you to easily keep track of where your passport is. They’re also great for keeping your passport safe and protected- the last thing you want is to have your passport rained on. You’ll also find a good passport cover to be handy while you’re travelling- get one with enough space for credit cards, cash, and boarding passes and your next flight will be a breeze.
Sure, you can go old-school and take a book, but what happens if you finish it, or simply don’t like it? Kindles, Nooks, iPads, they’re all excellent options and allow you to download books at the touch of a button. That means you can have a few books on the go, chop and change, and always be entertained- whether on a long flight or lying on the beach.
It can be easy to forget to get insurance when you’re planning a holiday. After all, who wants to spend their precious money on something they may not even use? Well trust me- Murphy’s Law shows us that you’re more likely to need insurance if you don’t have it. There’s also the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that you’re completely covered. You won’t need to worry about damaging your electronics or paying for medical bills abroad, and you’ll always have a backup plan. If you’re planning a trip, get your insurance taken care of first- then you can plan all the fun stuff and know you’ve been a responsible traveller as well.
What are your favourite things to take on holiday? Let me know in the comments below