Top 5 Tips to Make Your Wedding Stress Free and Memorable

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Planning a wedding is no small task: for many of us, it’s the biggest event we’ll ever host in our lives and it’s something we each hope to only do once. You may be feeling a bit apprehensive about how you’ll tackle the giant task of planning a wedding without overwhelming yourself and becoming a ball of stress. I have created this article of top 5 tips to make your wedding stress free and memorable to help you survive the wedding planning season.

1. Make Your Wedding Invitations Personal 
Figuring out wedding invitations and RVSPs for a wedding can be a nightmare, but there’s actually an easy solution that can save you a lot of time and money. After all, if people are not motivated to fill in the RVSPs you can find yourself ordering too much catering services for guests who actually cannot attend. Creating a personal RVSP will help motivate your potential guests to let you know if they can make it – it can also be a wonderful place to collect information about food allergies or anything specific you need to know to ensure your guests will be comfortable during your special day.

2. Go to a Wedding Expo
Depending on where you live, there should be a range of wedding expos nearby. This is a wonderful way to meet venders, get a realistic estimation on pricing and to enjoy being engaged. My advice is to go to a wedding expo as soon as you can and if your fiancé is not particularly interested, take a few girlfriends and make it a fun day out. After all, who doesn’t love sampling cake? It’s also important to see early on which vendors will have availability on your planned date as high quality vendors tend to book out 6-12 months in advance, so the earlier you can be on this, the better.

3. Be Realistic About Your Budget
While a wedding is an extremely special day of your life, it’s just that: one day in your life. There’s absolutely no paint in going outside your budget and creating unnecessary stress in your new marriage. Sit down with your husband or wife-to-be and make a realistic budget and head count for your wedding. This will help you figure out what is in your budget and what’s outside of it, so you can relax and focus on what’s going to be a part of your day. Try to respect the budget as keeping under budget will allow you to start your married life relaxed and without extra worries.

4. Ask Friends and Family for Tips
Chances are you’ve got some friends or family members that were recently married, so why not ask them for tips and advice? They may have things they wish they had done on their wedding day or vendors that they absolutely loved working with. Check in and see, after all they’ve already spent the time researching before you and this step can potentially save you a lot of time, money and worry.

5. Consider a Wedding Planner 
If it’s in your budget, why not work with a wedding planner? There are usually different packages available to suit all budgets. Often wedding planners have special rates negotiated with vendors to help both their businesses thrive and this can result in serious discounts for you on your wedding day. It is also a blessing to have someone else responsible for everything functioning on the day so you can relax (as much as possible) and soak it all in. After all, you’ll only do it once.

Having a wedding can feel extremely overwhelming, but with these five tips you’ll be able to create a memorable wedding that doesn’t make your heart rate soar!

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