I can’t believe we’re already halfway through the year you guys. If you’re like me, you probably had some pretty big resolutions that you were hoping to hit so you could finally get your finances sorted.
If you’re currently thinking “I’ll worry about my saving later in the year”, keep in mind that it’s now only 25 weeks until Christmas. Yup, just 25 weeks until we’re all spending more money than we should on gifts, food, and alcohol.
Many of us struggle to keep our heads above water, especially during the summer when the kids are home from school and we’re doing everything we can to keep them entertained.
If you’re hoping to save some serious cash this year, here are some of my top tips:
Save while you shop
I don’t mean “ooh that dress is on sale, I should probably buy it…after all, I’m really saving money.” Instead, look for coupons wherever you can find them, and use them for all those purchases you were going to make anyway. This is where I’d like to introduce you guys to Groupon coupons. You’ve probably already used Groupon in the past, but the company has recently released coupons for hundreds of stores- and many of them are the stores we go into every day.
I love using Groupon coupons for Kohls, Sears, and Neiman Marcus. But there are so many stores available that you’re bound to find some ways to save using these coupons. Be sure to check them out and let me know how much money you save.
Make more moolah
If you’re a stay at home mum, you may be wondering how this tip works. But we’re all capable of bringing more money into our households, we just sometimes need to get a little creative. I personally love working online, as it allows me to stay home with the kids while also contributing to the household. There are plenty of things you can do online, including freelancing, starting a business, selling items from around the house, completing surveys, and more.
And if you’re working full-time, now’s the perfect time to consider how much you bring to the table at work, and how much you’re being compensated. If you haven’t had a pay rise for a long time, consider approaching your boss and making it clear that you deserve more.
Shop smart
If you’re like me, you’re great with money until you find yourself surrounded by your favourite stores, or at the supermarket. I’ve found that making a strict shopping list and ordering online are two ways that help me control my spending. If I’m buying clothes, I like to put them in my online basket and then walk away to carefully consider whether I need them before I press that button.
Often, once I have a look in my closet, I end up cancelling the order anyway.
How are you saving money this year? Are you meeting your saving goals?