Tips for Decorating Your Outdoor Space

When thinking of “home décor”, most of us think “cushions, wallpapers and flower vases”. But home décor goes way beyond that – and it definitely extends into our backyards and front lawns as well.

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Health Benefits of Yoga

The 60s brought with them a huge revolution in terms of music and sexuality but what some of us don’t realize is that this decade changed us to our core. We live the way

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Best Value Holiday Destinations of 2015

With December almost halfway through, many people are already thinking of their 2015 holidays. That’s perfectly normal, especially if you want to book early (and maybe even save some money on your travel expenses).

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Beauty Tips for Great Skin

Over the course of time, beauty standards have changed a lot. From Rubens’ full shape to nowadays slim models, everything in the world of beauty seems to be completely different. One thing has stayed

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