We are all feeling the pinch financially right now, and that can mean cutting back on spending, especially for items like home tech. The good news is there are ways to save money when investing in new items of tech for your home. Just keep reading to find out what they are.
Save for the sales
Smart folks save money on buying new tech for their home by holding out for the sale. Indeed, the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales around Thanksgiving are particularly well known for great deals on tech and cut-price electronics.
It will still pay to shop around during the sales though, as well as have an idea of the cost of items before they get marked down. This is because some of the bigger retailers will have a so-called sale offer that is very similar to their regular price. They do this by increasing the price of an item on the run-up to sale season, so they can mark it down to the regular price and then legitimately show it as discounted!
Waiting for the sales does mean you are limited to waiting until these specific times within the year, so if anything does go wrong with your current devices you will be without them for some time. With that in mind, if you plan to get most of your tech in such sales it’s also a good idea to take out the extended warranty offered by the seller. That way if they do fail you will be able to get them fixed or a replacement even outside of sale time.
Offset the cost by selling or trading old items of tech
One of the smartest ways to save money when buying tech for your home is to offset the cost by selling or trading in your older unwanted devices. You can then use the value of these old devices to offset some of the cost of the new ones.
However, before you sell an old and used device you need to make sure that all the data on it is erased and it is set back to factory settings. Unfortaly, this can often be easier said than done, especially if a device is over a few years old. Take using the erase assistant on a Mac for example. For newer Macs, it’s pretty easy to do, but for older ones that are not running MacOS Monterey or later, it can be tricky. Luckily, as is the case for just about anything tech-related you can visit sites like https://setapp.com/how-to/erase-assistant-is-not-supported-on-this-mac to find a solution if you get an erase assistance that is not supported on this Mac message. Thereby allowing you to run the erase assistant and get your Mac ready for trade-in or to be sold.
Choose refurbished items
Another way to save a significant amount of money when buying tech for your home is to opt for a refurbished item instead of a brand-new one. This is because these tend to be significantly cheaper than brand-new out-of-the-box devices.
There are some important things to remember when you opt for refurbished tech items though. For instance, you will want to know who performed the refurbishment. Was it a third party, or the original manufacturer? If it was the latter then you’ll probably be OK because they will have the technology, experience, and access to equipment to ensure a high-quality refurbishment job has been done.
Additionally, you’ll want to know when you are getting a refurbished item or an open box return. This is because you can usually get refurbished items for a better price, as these will need some restoration work, whereas an open box return is just an item that a buyer has received and then decided they did not want, without using it.
Lastly, you’ll want to check whether the item you are buying comes with a warranty. Indeed, this is crucial when it comes to refurbished pieces because it means if anything does go wrong you will be able to get it fixed at no cost to yourself.
Compare prices
Sounds simple but one of the most obvious ways to save money when investing in a tech item is to do your due diligence when it comes to comparing prices. Happily, there are several effective ways of doing this including hopping onto Google and checking the range of prices you will find under the Shopping section.
Some websites specialize in gathering prices for a wide range of items including tech and devices like Nespresso, the latest smartphones, and Apple AirPods. Alternatively, you can do some old fashion gumshoe work and manually go through the store prices online one by one. You can even visit stores and see what kind of price guarantee they are offering, as some promise to match any other price as long as you can provide evidence of it.
Check independent reviews
Last, of all, you can save significant amounts of money in the long run by making sure you check the independent reviews for the item you are looking to purchase. The independent part is critical here because you will likely find all sorts of positive info about the device on the brand’s website, and even in sponsored reviews and comparisons online. The latter is because the owners of the website get a small commission if readers then go on to buy said item. Of course, all this means you won’t be getting a 100% unbiased review, and that means issues can be minimized.
Information to look out for here includes functionality, whether the device has a long life use, and whether any major issues might cause you to have to buy another item and spend more money in the short term.
Final thoughts
You can see from the information above that there are a range of ways you can save money when buying new tech items for your home. Yes, it may take you a little added effort to locate the better prices, but it will be well worth it over the long term due to the money you will save.